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  • Phone support | Le Parados

    Help line Help line Shelter External services Awareness Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our shelter provides continuous telephone support to women and witnesses of violence in need. ​ Our team is always available to provide active listening, advice, and information to anyone facing difficult situations or seeking support. Whether it's for an emergency, a need to vent, or simply to discuss, we are here to help you at any time. ​ Feel free to contact us at 514 637-3529 for immediate, free, and confidential support In case of emergency or if you are in imminent danger, dial 911 immediatly . For more resources, visit our useful links section.

  • External services | Le Parados

    External services Help line Shelter External services Awareness Le Parados offers external services, to women and children who have left our shelter or who never required shelter. personnalised support and accompanement are offered based on each individuals needs. This service is available monday to friday. Follow-up for women Follow-up for young people For women Le Parados offers external services to women wo have been a victim of violence. No matter the form of violence experienced, Le Parados supports women in facing the challenges they encounter. ​ External service are available to women who have left Le Parados as well as to those who do not wish to benefit from a stay in our shelter . ​ External follow-up for women includes: Personalized meetings that are adapted to your needs and availability. Accompanied by a counselor, you will have the opportunity to better understand what you are living and your feelings about your relationship Parados adopts an intersectional feminist intervention approach. We are convinced that various forms of discrimination intersect and overlap, thus creating unique and often complex experiences for individuals facing multiple forms of discrimination simultaneously. To request external services for women For young people Children, even though they are directly exposed to the dynamics of domestic violence within the family, the are often overlocked or forgotten. ​ Parados is sensitive to the experiences of these children and the consequences they may face. The Specialized Youth Intervention Program in Domestic Violence aims to better support children aged 5 to 17 in their respective challenges by offering them a voice and a safe space to express themselves. ​ Youth external service includes : Individual meetings for the child and/or their mother, Active listening and psychosocial intervention, A personalized intervention plan based on the needs of the child, With the mother's consent, collaboration with school staff or teachers at the child's school, Preparation for supervised visits, Etc. The frequency of meetings and the location where they take place are determined jointly by the mother and the youth worker. To request youth external services Support can be provided in all languages thanks to the presence of translators.

  • Preparing te leave | Le Parados

    Getting ready to leave Understanding violence Getting ready to leave Frequently Asked Questions Useful links Prepare for departure Often, in a context of domestic violence, leaving must be done hastily. In order not to put herself in unnecessary danger, it is important that the woman who wishes to leave acts quickly and, if possible, prepares certain things before her departure. Although gettoing ready to leave is important, it is not essential and your safety must be a priority. Never prepare your personal belongings in advance if it is not possible to do so without your partner's knowledge. ​ In order to help women who need it, Le Parados has established a list of elements that will facilitate departure: Indispensable Identity documents Identity documents for your children Duplicate keys Immigration certificate Cash Your child's favorite toy Health insurance card Social insurance card Health and vaccination record Medicines and prescriptions Diplomas Driving license Change of clothes ​ Important Lease/mortgage contract/title deeds Receipts for goods that belong to you Home insurance policy Life insurance policy Birth certificate Wedding contract Address Book Useful Print the list of documents to take Only download this list if you can keep it secure. Whatever the situation, it will always be possible to collect personal effects after your departure. This possibility to recover your personal effects will be discussed with the Parados workers so that it is done in a completely safe manner. Ways to protect yourself If you live with a violent partner, it is important to develop protection stategies in the event of a new episode of violence. These will serve to protect you and your children. ​ Here are some tips that might be useful to you: Write down and learn by heart the emergency telephone numbers (911, people you trust, your family, SOS domestic violence, etc.); Identify and inform people who can help you in the event of an emergency; Depending on the age of the children, it may be appropriate to inform them of the possibility of leaving the family home quickly; Prepare and hide a departure bag; Agree on a communication code with a close person who can notify the police themselves in the event of an emergency; Protect bank assets (open a personal account, change your PIN, etc.); Protect social media accounts (remove geolocation and change passwords, etc.); Disable geolocation of all electronic devices before departure. Guide to technological self-defense in domestic violence

  • Publications | Le Parados

    Publications About us Our team Bord of directors Publications Newsletter Le Parados has a bimonthly newsletter. Find the latest newsletters April 2024 February 2024 Décember 2023 We talk about us ! It happens that Parados gets people talking about it. To know more : Nouvelles d'ici ; Décember 2023 Nouvelles d'ici ; November 2023

  • I need help | Le Parados

    I need help Whether it's understanding a situation or helping to find the right resource, Le Parados supports each and every woman in her journey. Understanding violence Frequently asked questions and testimonials Getting ready to leave Useful links What should I do if I have questions? It's not always easy to realize that you're a victim of violence in your romantic relationship. If you have questions, the SOS violence conjugale test will help you understand your situation Take the test

  • Join us | Le Parados

    Contact us Parados is available every day, at any time of the day or night and offers confidential and free services. ​ Should you wish to inquire about external services for you or your children, please call 514 637 3529 . Leave us a message directly here and we will get back to you as soon as possible. For a quicker response, please contact 514 637 3529 Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Votre message Envoyer Merci pour votre envoi !

  • Accueil | Le Parados

    Accueil The Parados is a shelter and support house for women who have experienced violence and their children. About us Need help ? How to contribute ? News School awareness ​ The Parados continues to raise awareness among students in the Lachine, Dorval, and Lasalle areas for this school year. March 8 - International Women's Day Follow our Instagram account to learn more about the 8 inspiring women we have chosen to feature in honor of this day. ​ ​ The summer holidays are approaching Just a reminder, Le Parados remains open throughout the holidays. You can contact us anytime at 514 637-3529 ​

  • Supprimer historique | Le Parados

    Delete history Web browsers store visited websites and search history. If you're concerned someone might discover you visited this site, you can erase these traces. Microsoft Edge Chrome FireFox Ensure your security. Download, install, and use the Tor browser for increased privacy when browsing our site .

  • Je contribue | Le Parados

    Je contribue The major Parados campaign will finance the construction and the services of its very first second stage home (MH2). For women who have left an abusive situation, this new service will offer ongoing support and accommodation usually lasting from a few months to two years, which is a crucial interim step between staying in a shelter and settling into permanent accommodation. The MH2 du Parados house will be located near our premises, thus allowing families to live in the same neighborhood, which will promote their integration into the community and the educational success of young people who will not have to change schools or school service center. Aider une victime Devenir bénévole Travailler au Parados Donner pour les femmes et enfants du Parados Merci de votre aide

  • Our team | Le Parados

    Our team ​​ Our team Notre conseil d'administration Publications OUPS... This page is still in progress. It will be ready soon.

  • Our services | Le Parados

    Our services Our free and confidential services are available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day Declaration of services Le Parados supports and offers accompanement to women who are victims of violence and their children free of charge, without distinction of age, social status, origin, citizenship status, ability, belief, or sexual orientation. ​ Le Parados can support women regardless of their backgrounds as our interventions can be translated into any language. Help line External services for women and children Shelter Awareness an education in the community

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