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Résultats de recherche

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  • Devenir Bénévole | Le Parados

    Become a volunteer Helping a victim Becoming volunteer Join le Parados Make a donation It is in a spirit of partnership that Le Parados opens its doors to voluntary action, thus allowing it to expand and improve services to its customers. ​ We have various volunteer resource needs such as: Companion Accompany a resident for procedures that do not require police presence (e.g.: apartment visits, appointments with the doctor or hospital, etc.). Children's facilitator Assurer les soins de base des enfants, leur sécurité, les repas ainsi que des périodes de jeux et de repos lorsque leur mère doit s’absenter. Assister le personnel dans la réalisation des tâches à faire. Participate in special events Participate in the preparation and execution of various special events such as a Christmas party, an outing to the sugar shack, fundraising activities, etc. Contact us to become a volunteer

  • Awareness | Le Parados

    Awareness and education Help line Shelter External services Awarerness Le Parados offers various awareness-raising tools in our fight for egalitarian relations adapted to all audiences. Our interactive educational programs are aimed at both young people and adults, offering engaging workshops. Our mission is to educate, inform, raise awareness and encourage meaningful discussions about this crucial issue. Workshops for athletes Workshops for young people Workshops for young people Community training Community training Training sessions for athletes Whether it's the rules of sports that accept or even generate violence, the practices used by players to initiate new athletes, the practices used by coaches, or the various incidents that have marked the sports world in recent years, violence hides in all facets of sports. Worse, it is often encouraged. ​ Le Parados supports young athletes in understanding the issues of violence in sports and the possible correlations with violence in intimate relationships. Learn more Training for young people One in two teenage couples have experienced at least one form of violence in their relationship. Raising awareness helps young people before or during their first romantic relationships. Our workshops therefore target 12-17 year olds and are given in schools, community organizations or any other place where our presence is desired. Learn more Kiosks in the community Le Parados has several kiosks that aim to raise awareness in a fun way among teenagers and adults about violence in romantic relationships. These kiosks can be provided in schools or organizations but also at events such as neighborhood parties. Learn more Community training Our training aims to equip participants to detect the various forms of violence against women and children in a marital context and to refer them to the appropriate resources. These training courses are intended to deal with violence against women in a domestic context and children living in a context of domestic violence. They can be provided to anyone who has a professional or personal interest in this issue. Learn more Corporate training Since the law of October 6, 2021, employers must take the necessary measures to protect workers exposed to situations of physical or psychological violence in the workplace, including domestic, family, or sexual violence. ​ This training aims to equip employees to combat domestic violence. It defines and explains domestic violence, informs them of their rights as victims of domestic violence within the company, and teaches them how to assist victims of domestic violence. Coming soon 2024 Awareness Campaign Contact the awareness service

  • Get involved | SiteGénéral_Avril24

    Je contribue All our partners The major Parados campaign will finance the construction and the services of its very first second stage home (MH2). For women who have left an abusive situation, this new service will offer ongoing support and accommodation usually lasting from a few months to two years, which is a crucial interim step between staying in a shelter and settling into permanent accommodation. The MH2 du Parados house will be located near our premises, thus allowing families to live in the same neighborhood, which will promote their integration into the community and the educational success of young people who will not have to change schools or school service center. Aider une victime Devenir bénévole Travailler au Parados Donner pour les femmes et enfants du Parados Merci de votre aide

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